Out of the Suitcase #21: The first Manual of Monsters(Post)
Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Steve Perrin's unexpected passing has gotten me to thinking about his far-reaching legacy wit ...
Chaosium Interviews: Which Mythos Monster is the most powerful?(Post)Which Mythos monsters could beat up Cthulhu in a fight? For our Chaosium Interviews series with James Coquillat, Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason talks about ranking the power o ...
'Describing the Indescribable: keeping your monsters fresh!' Leading RPG writers and GMs discuss at PAX Online - Sat 19 Sept(Post)https://online.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/describing-the-indescribable-keeping-your-monsters-fresh“Each time you present a monster, present it afresh. Make the description intense and visceral. A dee ...
Free Miskatonic Repository Art Packs - Mythos Monster Silhouettes(Post)The Miskatonic Repository is Chaosium's exciting new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content. Want to take part? Check out the easy-to-follow c ...
Mike Mason is Making Monsters at Tabletop Gaming Live, Saturday Sept 26(Post)Mike Mason, Chaosium's creative director for Call of Cthulhu, is Making Monsters at Tabletop Gaming Live this weekend. At 5PM BST on Saturday September 26 Mike will be on the Main Stag ...
Monsters Are People Too: the old links between Chivalry & Sorcery and RuneQuest(Post)Following the recent successful launch of their Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition Kickstarter, ANDY STAPLES of Brittannia Games shares with us the resonant connections between C&S and Chaos ...
New to Roll20: the Malleus Monstrorum, a cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding(Post)The Call of Cthulhu release Malleus Monstrorum is now available on Roll20!Here, shall you know the terrors of the void, the nightmare bringers, and the unspeakable lurkers...Ancient secrets, whi ...
Don't forget, in RuneQuest when adventurers are slaughtered or run screaming, the Monsters get experience rolls too...(Post)Sage advice from the "Grand Shaman of Games" Greg Stafford, way back in 1978*. Come and check out the new Chaosium edition of RuneQuest in its Twitch TV premiere, May 28th at 8PM EST! Prese ...
13th Age in Glorantha: progress update and monster stats for a Gods War mini!(Post)By Rob HeinsooWe don’t have a publication date for 13th Age in Glorantha (aka 13G) yet. We’re still in the middle of acquiring art. Jeff is commissioning art for 13th Age in Glorantha’s interior ...
Chaosium Interviews: Unkillable Monsters, with Mike Mason(Post)What is the most powerful Call of Cthulhu creature you’ve defeated? In this Chaosium Interview, Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason talks about how including unkillable enemies in your ...
Unnatural Selections #87 - the Malleus Monstrorum is on sale, this is what the critics say about it(Post)The 'Unnatural Selections' series is our regular round up of notable Chaosium reviews worth a look.The Malleus Monstrorum is currently on sale for $49.99, save $40! Our two-volume collectio ...
The Malleus Monstrorum - Q&A with original creator Scott David Aniolowski(Post)On the print release of the new two volume Malleus Monstrorum Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, we spoke to one of the co-authors (and creator of the original edition), Sc ...