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Pulp Cthulhu - PDF

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Two-fisted action against Gods beyond Space and Time!

Do you dream of swinging on a vine into a temple of an ancient evil, just in time to kick the forbidden scroll from the hand of the cult leader?

Do you yearn to play a character dripping in quips, who can stand on the wing of a steadily ascending biplane, and who maybe, maybe just happens to "Know Kung-Fu"?

Then Pulp Cthulhu is the game for you!

Chaosium Unveiled: Inside Pulp Cthulhu

Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.

What’s Inside?

Pulp Cthulhu is a game of weird science, dark deeds, and larger-than-life heroes.

The Action Is The Juice (with Pulp)

Battling a Kraken

Pulp Cthulhu contains new rules, systems, and shake-ups to the core Call of Cthulhu experience to take your tabletop games to the world of 1930s pulp action. Increased Hit Points, ever-flowing Luck points, and adjustments to combat damage and survivability turn your ordinary Investigators into their very own Rick O’Connell.

A chart of Pulp Cthulhu Physical Talents

Keeping It Pulp

Facing a Ritual

Extensive advice for Keepers and players on the Pulp genre—including tips for maintaining the correct vibe, running your own Pulp adventures, as well as a collection of Pulp villains, monsters, and advice for creating your own.

Pulp Cthulhu also includes real-world history of pulp fiction, detailing the 1930s era when the United States was in the grip of the Great Depression and on the road to World War II.

A Pulp World Map

Campaign Kick-Starter Adventures

Pulp Cthulhu includes four scenarios playable with new or pre-generated heroes provided. Each scenario also includes full-color maps and handouts.

The Disintegrator

A wealthy scientist hires the heroes to gatecrash a private auction, and acquire a device known as a “disintegrator.”

Waiting For The Hurricane

Stranded on an island in the Florida Keys, the heroes must ride a hurricane to safety, and uproot the sinister plans of a cult seeking to use the weather as a cover for their dark deeds.

Pandora’s Box

The fabled artifact “Pandora’s Box” is now housed in a local nightclub as a publicity stunt—but otherworldly bad luck seems to follow all those who chance upon it.

A Slow Boat to China

A voyage from San Francisco to Shanghai promises rest and relaxation, but an evil intent on controlling powers from beyond ensures this trip will be anything but restful.

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What The Critics Say

Pulp ENnies

  • "Pulp Cthulhu turns up the action and the threat to turn Lovecraftian investigative horror into Lovecraftian heroic horror."

    — >Reviews from Rl’yeh, Pulp Cthulhu II.

  • Runner-up, Best Artwork and Presentation

    — Golden Geek Awards 2016, 11th Annual Golden Geek Awards Winners for 2016!.

  • "If you play Call of Cthulhu, do you need this supplement? ...if you want to play with a rule set deliberately intended to help your characters kick some ass, you'll probably have a lot of fun with Pulp Cthulhu."

    — H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, Pulp Cthulhu Review.

  • Pulp Cthulhu is one of those products that could very easily have been done wrong. It’s a genre full of easy cop-outs and shortcuts, but Chaosium stuck to their guns and delivered on all fronts… You might be able to confront the creatures of the mythos to some extent, but Pulp Cthulhu only promises that you can go down swinging rather than screaming and that’s not a bad thing."

    — Jay Anyong, The Philippine Gamer, Review: Pulp Cthulhu.

  • "I love the classic, cerebral, investigative feeling of Call of Cthulhu. I have to admit however that many times I wanted my Investigators to, basically, kick some serious ass... Pulp Cthulhu is here for that ass-kicking!"

    — Antonio S., RPGNet Review.

  • "It’s a beautiful book, brimming with content and ideas.  A worthy purchase for any Keeper, even if Pulp isn't to your taste."

    — Total Party Kill, Pulp Cthulhu.

  • "I love the Pulp Cthulhu idea. Having pulp heroes fight evil cult organizations can be tons of fun… The production quality deserve(s) praise. The binding, illustrations, artwork, handouts are exceptional. The books are super-high quality and even come with a red ribbon bookmark bound into the text. Chaosium did not skimp on any aspect of production..."

    — GrogHeads, GrogHeads Reviews Pulp Cthulhu and The Two-Headed Serpent.

  • "Pulp Cthulhu is a hoot. PCs get amazing Talents, more hit points, and a wider stretch of Luck. But the villains get a boost too and as weird as Mythos monsters are, some of the supervillains are pretty darned strange also... To me, this is an essential Basic Roleplaying RPG set of rules. Get this book and punch the Mythos right in its tentacled face."

    — Charles Dunwoody, EN World Review.

  • "With this book, Chaosium has given Keepers and players the tools to lean fully into Pulp."

    — Matthew J. Constantine, Tabletop RPG Review: Pulp Cthulhu.

  • “If you’re looking for a system that gives your players a fighting chance check this out!”

    — Stygian Muse, RPG Review: Pulp Cthulhu.

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Mike Mason, Alan Bligh, James Lowder, Jeff Tidball, Glyn White, Paul Fricker, Wolfgang Baur, Matt Sanderson, Scott Dorward, and Dan Kramer.
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Pulp Cthulhu

    Posted by Jost L. Hansen on 24th Oct 2022

    Looking so much forward to play this game!

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Just wow!

    Posted by Christer Engerud on 13th Aug 2020

    A good alternative for call of cthulhu, the Pulp Cthulhu is an awesome addition for epic adventures!

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Pulp Adventures!

    Posted by darrold wagner on 20th Mar 2017

    Many Players really enjoy the original Call of Cthulhu, which is dark, scary and quite gritty. But others dont care for the fact that their carefully designed and beloved character )Investigator) is heading for..... certain doom. So, Mike Mason and team came up with a slightly different CoC, one where the characters are Pulp Heroes- and in some cases verging on heroes from the Golden Age of Comics (no supers, but Wildcat is doable). Not quite up to Doc Savage or The Shadow, but you can play the likes of Flashgun Casey, Mr. Death , The Phantom, The Spirit, and so forth. The first part of the book explains Pulp Heroes and the genre, then Character generation. "Pulp Talents" like "Tough Guy" or "Weird Science' can keep your character alive longer and make him or her more unique. Also a important addition is "Investigator Luck" where you get and can spent luck points to ward off damage or even sanity loss- to a point. Not to be scorned is the fact that Hit Points are more or less twice what they were in standard CoC. Mysticism, Weird Science, and Hypnosis are also some of the things Investigators can get into. Keepers (Game Masters) can adjust things by the "Pulp-o-Meter" with optional rules. A nice section on the 1930s with plenty of background information is included. Good stuff for any game set in that period. Rounding out this excellent book are no less than four interesting looking adventures, complete with floor plans (one of a Zeppelin!) and plenty of handouts. Owning a copy of Call of Cthulhu will be handy, but not necessary.