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Blood and Lust - PDF

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Stygian Stallions, Curses & Hags, Evil Customs, The Witch Queen Morgan

Blood and Lust provides four adventures and background material set across the Isle of Britain in Cambria, Logres, Anglia, and elsewhere. These adventures can either be played singly or can be arranged and linked to create a King Arthur Pendragon campaign. Various player handouts are provided, as well as a detailed map of Anglia.

Blood & Lust contains gamemaster material and adventures that can be used together to run a medium-length Pendragon campaign. The adventures take place in the third and fourth phases of the Pendragon timeline., and are set across the isle of Britain in Cambria, Loges, Anglia, and elsewhere. Any competent group of player knights can participate in them.

The four full-length adventures: "The Adventure of the Heart Blade," "The Adventure of the Castle of Tears," "The Adventure of Morgan le Fey's Challenge," and "The Adventure of the Stygian Stallions" are intended to be played in conjunction with the introductory handouts and the shorter adventures in the rear of the book They can all be played independently in your regular campaign, or you can use the handout and the unique structure of "The Adventure of the Heart Bade" to tie all the adventures together into a campaign theme.

The four main adventures are:

The Castle of Tears - The adventure is designed around one of the main incidents that occurs in the tale of Sir Tristram and the Lady Isolt at Castle Of Tears, called Castle Pleure by Malory.

The Adventure of the Heart Blade - A romantic quest to find the legendary Heart Blade.

The Adventure of Morgan le Fay's Challenge - The player knights are introduced to Arthur's half-sister, the enigmatic Morgan le Fay, and asked to undertake a challenge for the honor of the women of her entourage, with the stipulation that they will be deemed to have failed if any harm or dishonor befalls the ladies of her party.

The Adventure of The Stygian Stallions - Three horses, worth a king’s ransom, have been stolen from the Earl of Essex. The player knights’ search for the horses and thieves leads them into the Adventurous Forest.

Note: This is a Bookmarked Scan of the original printed product

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandPendragonClassic]

Year Released:
4th Edition Pendragon
Black & White PDF Scan
Page Count:
Paul Cockburn, Suzanne Courteau, Garry Fay, Greg Stafford, Leonard Wilson
Cover Artist:
Stephen King
Interior Artist(s):
Arnie Swekel, Daryl Midgette, Gus diZerega