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Pendragon: Core Rulebook - PDF

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What Kind of Knight Will You Become?

Will you fight to rid the world of injustice, or use clout and power to take advantage of those beneath you?

Chaosium Unveiled: Pendragon: Core Rulebook

Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.

What's Inside

Pendragon is set amidst the glory and grandeur of King Arthur’s Britain. Its innovative mechanics drive the emotional impact of play as your characters pursue Glory, overcome life-and-death struggles, cross blades with ruthless enemies, and fight for love and justice in a world of brutal medieval realism.

The Core Pendragon Experience

A squire being knighted by their lord

The Pendragon: Core Rulebook contains everything you need to begin an epic adventure in King Arthur’s Britain. It covers the complete core rules of the Pendragon game system, including Traits and Passions, Skills, combat, injury and recovery, Glory, Favors, and Honor.

A knight, victorious in a duel, offers his hand to help up his defeated rival.

A Setting Guide

A female noble

The Pendragon: Core Rulebook serves as a guide to the world of Arthurian fantasy. The book includes a detailed look at England as it was in the time of King Arthur, the fantastical elements of the legendary setting, as well as the role of knights and nobility.

A great stag, a near mythical beast

The Passage of Time

Two nobles getting married

Pendragon campaigns are generational: you will grow old, you may marry, you may have children, and when you die (by the sword or the slow decay of time), you resume play as your heir! The Pendragon: Core Rulebooks contains rules for The Winter Phase—the downtime period of the game for characters to train, age, and even go on side quests.

Castle and Surroundings

Additional Features

The Pendragon Character Sheet

The book includes a myriad of additional features, including 6 pre-generated character templates for optional, faster character creation, special rules for Afflictions, Obsessions, Directed Traits, Ideals, and ransoms, a full medieval equipment list, and a Coat of Arms generator to make wholly unique heraldry for your Player-knight.

A knight removing their armor

Downloads for this Product

Character Sheet - Blank
Character Sheet - Autocalc
Character Sheet - Fillable

What The Critics Say

  • "If you are looking for the ultimate Arthurian roleplaying game you do not have to go off on some grail quest... it's an absolute no brainer that the sixth edition of Pendragon must be in your collection. 9/10.”

    — The Gaming Gang, Pendragon 6th Edition Core Rulebook Reviewed.

  • "If you’re in any way serious about roleplaying games, Pendragon should count among the must-have books in your library"

    — Jay Anyong, The Philippine Gamer, [Let’s Study] Pendragon 6E Core Rulebook, Part 9: Review.

  • "[Pendragon 6th Edition] has such a unique approach to characterization and storytelling that’s not found elsewhere."

    — Forbes, Bring The Round Table To Your Gaming Table With This Classic RPG.

  • "It’s clear to see why Pendragon is regarded as Stafford’s masterpiece... The Pendragon Core Rulebook is a master-class in rules design."

    — Akehelas, REVIEW: Pendragon Core Rulebook.

  • "I find the 6th edition to significantly improve an already great game and is a superb resource for new players. I welcome the minor tweaks to the rules, the embrace of female knights as characters, and the greatly expanded explanations of the rules."

    — ReviewCredit, Let us ride to Camelot: Pendragon 6th Edition.

  • “Wonderful new edition of Geg Stafford's masterpiece… If you never played Pendragon, try it! You are in for one of the most profound and moving experience roleplaying games can provide. Chaosium did create the best horror RPG ever with Call of Cthulhu. You re about to discover they also provided us with the best chivalric and legendary experience.”

    — Joann Sfar, Pendragon Core Rulebook Review.

  • "It’s my first look at a Chaosium game, and it did not disappoint! You can lose yourself in this book and the game"

    — DM Tales, Pendragon Arthurian TTRPG.

  • “Great starter adventure into the world of Pendragon… this campaign is short and straight-forward, and should give players and GM’s a few months of material to run on depending on their session length.”

    — EuroCultAV, EuroCultAV Holiday Gift Guide 2024.

  • Pendragon Core Rulebook is a great update and explanation of the core rules to Pendragon, Sixth Edition, the perfect book for the players and a good rules reference for the Game Master. And in bringing back Greg Stafford’s masterpiece back to print, the publication of the Pendragon Core Rulebook heralds a new Golden Age of King Arthur and the adventures that Player-knights will undertake in his realm.

    — R’lyeh, The Pinnacle of Pendragon.

  • “Pendragon delivers a deeply thematic experience for fans of Arthurian lore… the game excels in character as well as historical immersion.”

    — Dave Thaumavore, 52 reasons to move on to other RPGs.

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6th Edition Pendragon
Year Released:
Full Color PDF
Page Count:
Greg Stafford
Cover Artist:
Mark Smylie
Interior Artists:
Andrey Fetisov, Eric Hotz, Jaime Garcia Mendoza, Josep Perez, Eleonor Piteira, Agathe Pitie, Dimitar Stoyanov, John Sumrow, Wicked Dual LLC
Matt Ryan
Heraldric Artist:
Katrin Dirim
Border Designs, Marginalia, & Graphic Elements:
Simeon Cogswell, Kalin Kadiev, Ash Stellmach
Design & Layout:
Simeon Cogswell
Pendragon Line Editor:
David Larkins
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Beautiful and inspiring!

    Posted by Roberto on 2nd Jul 2024

    This was supposed to be the culmination of Greg Stafford's writing career and, by Arthur's crown, it sure feels that way! Layout is simply gorgeous, and the refined game system is really both intuitive, simple, and perfectly fitting to the literary sources. Bravo to the late Greg and to all the chivalrous people involved in this work of love (and art, of course!). Regarding the PDF specifically, I think it's reasonably good, striking the right balance between high resolution and file size. The Content and Tables page is fully linked to the actual content, however internal references are not linked to the referenced page/section. The PDF is also fully indexed and (nice touch!) layers are separated and can be switched on or off at will: very useful if you want e.g. to print a few pages sparing some ink!