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Map Folio - Early Phase - PDF

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This digital download bundle includes 44 maps for use with the King Arthur Pendragon roleplaying game. It includes all of the maps by designer Malcolm Wolter from the Book of the Estate, the Book of the Warlord, and the Book of Uther. The maps are presented in the original black and white format, but in high-resolution (as much as 2,000 pixels wide) suitable for printing or for use with virtual tabletops.

Caput Majors - Map of Logres

The maps span the Early Phase of The Great Pendragon Campaignand cover a diverse range of subjects, including: 

  • A comprehensive list of castle sites for the Uther, Anarchy and Boy King periods
  • Several authentic motte-and-bailey castle plans
  • Political and ecclesiastical power-bases in the Kingdom of Logres
  • Player-knight estates and castles
  • Greg Stafford’s updated vision of County Salisbury
  • The Supreme Collegium of Britain
  • The sites of British abbeys and Roman churches
  • A plan for a typical abbey of this era
  • A complete list of Market towns
  • Natural resources
  • Royal forests and hunting lodges

All this and more on awaits you in our first-ever Map Folio!

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PDF Product Name: [RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - PDF]
PDF Product Link: [/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-pdf/]

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Physical Product Name: [Paladin Adventures - Hardcover]
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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandPendragon]

Nocturnal Media
Year Released:
Black & White PDF and Images
Page Count:
44 Maps, 7 Pages
Malcolm Wolter
Malcolm Wolter