Enter the Domain of Magic and Myth!
A player and gamemaster expansion for the signature setting of Bronze Age fantasy.
Chaosium Unveiled: Dragon Pass
Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.
What’s Inside?
The Essential Setting Guide

Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass includes a detailed history, from the fabled God Time to the occupation by the mighty Lunar Empire. You’ll also find information on villages, towns, cities, ruins, and places of interest throughout Dragon Pass—perfect for running a sandbox-style RuneQuest campaign.
New Rules

New and expanded Homelands for your RuneQuest adventurer, including Sartar, Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, the Grazelands, Wintertop, and the Wilds. Additional guidelines for character creation, including new occupations and backgrounds for your RuneQuest adventurer.
A Gamemaster Trove

Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass details a collection of new creatures, monsters, and spirits to encounter. You’ll also find a roster of famous and generic NPCs to include in adventures of your own devising.
Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass is designed for use with the RuneQuest core rules, and can be combined with additional supplements to further enhance your Gloranthan experience.
What The Critics Say
“I find this book both informative and well-organized. It serves as an excellent companion to the Starter Set and GM Screen Adventures. It expands on much of what is found in the core rulebook, answering many of my questions about the area (though there are always more questions in Glorantha!). I believe it consolidates a lot of material from past publications along with new content, making it particularly helpful for newcomers.”
— Jason Lee, Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass Review.
"Created by gaming legend Greg Stafford, Glorantha was a world originally developed and explored in the 1975 board game White Bear and Red Moon... Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass is a new book from Chaosium that marks a return to one of the most mythic fantasy settings ever developed."
— Bell of Lost Souls, Chaosium Returns To Its Mythic Fantasy Setting ‘Dragon Pass’ In New Player/DM Book.
"Delivers a feel for the region and its people that makes it real, not just an Elf game with magic, but something that tells stories about people who live, bleed, and die."
— Andrew Logan Montgomery, Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass Review.
"Gorgeous... Lots of publishers produce beautiful books. Dragon Pass stands out because the art is used to depict what adventurers might see within the world... Dragon Pass makes Glorantha feel truly real."
— Akhelas: Austin Conrad, REVIEW: Dragon Pass.
“The definitive guide for playing a sandbox game in Dragon Pass… Chaosium knocked it out of the park with this one - a Must Have. “
— Iconic Production, Behind the Screen: E214 - Dragon Pass Review.
“9/10 - “If you’re serious about running RuneQuest, it really should be in your collection”
— The Gaming Gang, Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass Reviewed.
“Lands of RuneQuest : Dragon Pass is doing for lands what the prior [Cults of RuneQuest] books did for cults.”
— EuroCultAV, EuroCultAV Holiday Gift Guide 2024.
“It’s the next best thing to having Greg [Stafford] sat on your shoulder feeding you ideas.”
— Refereeing and Reflection, Supplement Supplemental! :Lands of RuneQuest.
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Product Footer
Footer Name:
- Publisher:
- Chaosium
- Ruleset:
- RuneQuest
- Year Released:
- 2024
- Format:
- Full Color Leatherette
- Page Count:
- 190
- 978-1-56882-527-4
- Authors:
- Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford, Jason Durall
- Cover Artist:
- Ossi Hiekkala
- Interior Artists:
- Hazem Ameen, Katrin Dirim, Antonia Doncheva, Andrey Fetisov, Dani Hartel, Ossi Hiekkala, Jon Hodgson, Lionel Marty, Evelyne Park, Mark Smylie, John Sumrow, Gábor Szügy & Agus Setiawan Weltofa
- Cartography:
- Matt Ryan, Glynn Seal & Tobias Trannell
- Design and Layout:
- Simeon Cogswell