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All The Worlds Monsters 3 - PDF

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Now! The long-wanted 3rd volume of the All the Worlds’ Monsters series is here-112 pages packed with monsters and play-aids. Included are 238 new monsters, an all-series index, a RuneQuest stats conversion essay by Steve Perrin, and grouping lists by monster type, level, and appearance. The stats were created by dungeon masters from across the United States and Canada. Each monster is rated for hit dice, armor class, movement, whether and how well it swims and flies, its intelligence range, dexterity, alignment, normal habitat, the probability of it being present in its lair. by a die roll for number present, the probability of the presence of treasure and its type, how it attacks, and a description of general appearance and special characteristics.

THIS IS A DOWNLOADABLE BOOK. Edited by Steve Perrin and Jeff Pimper. Cover by Don Simpson. Illustrated by Luise Perrene. 112 pages, illustrated. 8.5 x 11" watermarked PDF with cover images. This is a scan of the 1980 printing.

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