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The Glorious Reascent of Yelm - PDF

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The Glorious Reascent of Yelm is the foundation document for modern Dara Happa, written in the Dara Happan year of 111,221 (221 S.T.) to commemorate the accession of Khordavu the Exalted. It sets forth the basic mythology of Yelm and his pantheon from the beginning of Time, through the Great Darkness of the Kazkurtum, to the return of Antirius and Yelm. It also includes The Perfect Sky and The Gods Wall, two important sources for information on the deities of the Dara Happan Pantheon.

Updated in 2007 with corrections and revisions.

A book from the Stafford Library, this is a resource for dedicated fans of Glorantha and and is not necessarily immediately usable for gaming.

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