A Guide to the Mythic Fantasy World of Glorantha!
“Glorantha is my personal North Star as an author of vast fantasy game narratives… a sacred but unattainable goal.”
—Ken Rolston, (The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion).
Chaosium Unveiled: Inside The Glorantha Sourcebook
Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.
What’s Inside?
The Glorantha Sourcebook is an introductory guide to the mythical world of Bronze Age fantasy created by legendary game designer Greg Stafford. It is every RuneQuest player’s stepping stone into legend—a journey that continues with the Guide to Glorantha.
A System-less Sourcebook

The signature setting for RuneQuest, The Glorantha Sourcebook is without rules or game system. This allows you to apply the setting of Glorantha to any game of your choice, and delve into one of the most richly imagined fantasy worlds ever created.
Lose Yourself in Glorantha

Drawn from a variety of out-of-print and rare sources, the material in The Glorantha Sourcebook has been dramatically revised, updated, and expanded. Alongside this foundational material are new essays, insights, and extrapolations on the world and its incredible denizens.
Unparalleled Detail

Leaving no stone unturned, The Glorantha Sourcebook covers geography, the history of Dragon Pass, the Elder Races, the story of the Gods of Glorantha, history of the Lunar Empire, details of Gloranthan magic, and much, much more!
Add Depth to your Campaign

Whether you run a game with RuneQuest or a different gaming system, The Glorantha Sourcebook will flesh out the setting for you and your players.
You can leverage the history and myths for scenario hooks, and give your players ideas on how Gloranthan characters look at the world.
What The Critics Say
"Drawing on long out-of-print sources, and including new materials, this belongs in the collection of new Glorantha fans and old timers alike… vividly told, beautifully illustrated, and inspirational."
— Andrew Logan Montgomery, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming.
"Awesome…rich in detail. …Quite surprisingly, Chaosium has managed to produce an introductory book that is also interesting for veteran fans of Glorantha."
— El Runeblogger, El Runeblogger" target="_blank">Review of the Glorantha Sourcebook.
"The Glorantha Sourcebook is an excellent introduction and guide, and probably the exact amount you’ll ever need to run your own Glorantha campaign. Perhaps best of all is the strong visual aesthetic, which mashes up the styles of many bronze age cultures. Glorantha has kind of lacked this in the past and having it now really breathes life into the world and fires the imagination."
— Vintage RPG, A Systemless look at Glorantha.
"Be it because you want to run a campaign, to expropriate concepts wholesale, to get inspiration, to pleasantly read as a fragmented novel before bed time, or to adorn your coffee table thanks to its stunning imagery, you want The Glorantha Sourcebook. Surprise; it also supports RuneQuest Glorantha which just came out! Not many roleplaying books can be purchased for such a broad range of uses."
— Antonio S., RPGNet Review.
"The best most affordable introduction to the rich fantasy world of Glorantha so far."
— Runeblogger, RPGNet Review.
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PDF Product Name: [RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - PDF]
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Physical Product Name: [The Glorantha Sourcebook - Hardcover]
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Product Footer
Footer Name:
- 9-781568-825014
- Year Published:
- 2018
- Format:
- Full Color PDF
- Page Count:
- 226
- Author(s):
- Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard, Michael O'Brien, Sandy Petersen
- Editor:
- Jason Durall
- Cover Artist:
- Jon Hodgson
- Cartography:
- Darya Makarava, Simon Bray, Colin Driver, Lawrence Keogh
- Interior Artist(s):
- Dan Barker, Bernard Bittler, Simon Bray, Antonia Doncheva, Jed Dougherty, Rich Fleider, Lisa Free, Merle Insinga, Kalin Kadiev, Jennifer Lange, Michelle Lockamy, Jan Pospíšil, Jakob Rebelka, John Snyder, Tom Sullivan, Eric Vanel
The richest of campaign settings
I'm new to Glorantha and am just learning to appreciate the depth of the world created by Stafford and enhanced by so many others over the years. Even for those not playing in a RQ or bronze-age setting, this sourcebook is a valuable resource containing seeds of myths, fantasies, and adventures that can be adapted to any campaign.
Inspiring world building in an amazing single volume
I'm still reading The Glorantha Sourcebook as it warrants constant visits. The world is beautifully presented with sections that detail the geography, history, creatures, gods, time and magic of the overall world, Dragon Pass and the Lunar Empire. Highly recommended.
Like the Guide, but Accessible!
I love the Guide, but it's like reading a big chunk of Fraser or Jung. Full of Badass, but dense and monolithic. The Sourcebook is more in the line of a typical setting gamebook. Gives you a bunch of macro level details about the setting, and for most folks it's probably more than enough info for a lifetime of gaming. Not a lot is covered that isn't already somewhere in the guide...but I think that is a feature, not a drawback. Also, Greg Sharpied all over the cover of mine.
Great setting info to make your game come alive
The Sourcebook is a wonderful companion to the core RQ:G rule book. It covers big picture concepts about Glorantha, enabling players and GMs alike to better grasp the magic, politics and timeline of the setting. While it's not as comprehensive as the Guide, it covers what you need to know to tie your game more richly into the setting, and is also a more approachable read.