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Book of Sires - PDF

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Honor thy forefathers 

The Book of Sires  radically expands the Family History system first presented in the King Arthur Pendragon core rulebook to encompass knights from any of the nine realms: from Auitaine to Cornwall to Cumbria, and many points in between!

Use this book to generate a rich year-by-year history of your character's parent and grandparent (beginning as early as the year 439), with additional material to cover campaigns starting as late as the year 509.

The Book of Sires explores events ranging from the humdrum years of garrison duty to some of the most famous historical battles seen in the years before the Great Pendragon Campaign. Before, players had only the county of Salisbury to draw upon.; now, the player knights can come from any area that is friendly to a King Arthur campaign set in Logres. Thus, Aquitanian knights can hobnob with fellow European Brittonians, as well as knights from Cornwall, Cambria, and Cumbria: all have a reason to be where the campaign begins. 

The Book of Sires provides a yearly description, with attendant Glory, for over nine lands. An assortment of appendices provide new Passions and Directed Traits, an overall cumulative history, an expansion of the family for Player-knights, how to handle “foreign knights,” and an update to the Salisbury chapter contained in King Arthur Pendragon. Since this book covers the years 439 to 509, you will find a wealth of information for creating a background for a campaign starting in 480 (Uther), 485 (GPC), Anarchy (496), and Arthur, the Boy King (510).

Grab some dice, and find out what type of family your Player-knight came from. Will you rise above their exploits, or were their deeds the high-water mark of your family?

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Nocturnal Media
5th Edition Pendragon
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
Robert G. Schroeder
John Bridges, Malcolm Wolter, Brian Abshier, Matthew Ryan