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Big Rubble - PDF

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The Deadly City

An Episodic Campaign: Myth, Magic, Treasure

THE BIG RUBBLE is the perfect hunting ground for both prospective and veteran adventurers. From the relative safety of the frontier town of New Pavis, exploration parties may venture forth into the Rubble to once again tap the treasures and magics buried in its ruins. They will be aided and hindered by the guards and bureaucrats of the occupying Lunar empire.

The Big Rubble is a vast area enclosed by giant-build walls of solid stone. Once it was the site of Robcradle, an ancient Jrusteli city, and then it held the magnificent capital of the hero Pavis. Only thousands of acres of ruin and destruction now remain, full of robbers, outcasts, and inhuman monsters.

Big Rubble Covers

The Rubble Guide provides background describing the creation of the ruins, tells of major areas within the giant walls and of 49 points of interest within those areas, examines the vegetable guardians of the Elven Garden, hints at how to get in and out of the Rubble, illustrates four types of Rubble ruins, contains general and specific encounters, and reveals the cult of Yelorna.

The nine scenarios in the Episodes book explore some of the many exciting places within the Rubble. Griffin Gate is the main entrance for legal adventuring parties, and this scenario includes three separate episodes occurring within the gate area. Wolfhead's Lair, Raid of Yelorna, The Devil's Playground, Krang's Table, and the Puzzle Canal introduce the manifold gangs who survive through incessant raid and plunder within the Rubble. Temple at Feroda takes the adventurers south, beyond the walls, to the mouth of the Zola Fel River. Each of those adventures requires one or two evenings to complete. Dozens of additional scenarios will develop as sidelights from the nine given here or from the plentiful descriptions provided.

Several "official" Lunar Empire forms have been included to license and annoy hapless adventurers. No one is allowed back into the safety of New Pavis without their Adventurer's License, and few except for trolls, elves, broos, and ogres dare to live in the Rubble.

The book also includes designer's notes and a detailed index. The PDF is fully bookmarked, with a fully hyperlinked Table of Contents and Index.

Play this with Pavis, the matching Campaign

Pavis Front Cover

Big Rubble is a companion to Pavis, which details the city of New Pavis. For a full campaign, adventurers will move between the two regularly with both city-based and outside-based adventures to have a more immersive experience.

Adventurers! Do you dare enter the Rubble and collect the treasures found within?

Friends of Prax

What's in the Product?

  • 164 Page PDF with the three books
    • Big Rubble Players Guide
    • Big Rubble Guide for the Gamemaster
    • Episodes Book
  • 22x17 Map of the Big Rubble PDF

Map of the Big Rubble 

Order the classic fold-out maps on Redbubble!

We are unable to add the classic fold-out maps to our printed products. We have made them available to you through our Redbubble store in a variety of formats. Remember, PDFs of the map are included with the bundled PDF purchases.

Map of the Big Rubble
Map of the River of Cradles

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuestClassic]

Year Released:
2019 - Original Release 1983
RuneQuest 2nd Edition
Page Count:
Black & White PDF with Color Covers
Steve Perrin, Greg Stafford, Michael Trout, Sandy Petersen, Mark Lukens, Gordon Monson, Steve Henderson, Oliver Dickinson, Ken Rolston, Brian Marick, Mark Willner
Cover Artist:
M Roland