More Than Just A Screen
The Gamemaster Screen Pack enhances your games of RuneQuest with scenarios, setting information, reference tables, and maps that increase the flow of play, and help to immerse you in the mythic world of Glorantha!
What’s Inside?
The Gamemaster Screen Pack is the next step for any RuneQuest Gamemaster. More than just a play aid, the Gamemaster Screen Pack offers a range of RuneQuest essentials.
The Screen
The gamemaster screen is a landscape, four-panel cardboard screen, 34 inches wide and 8.5 inches tall, with an illustration of the famed Gods Wall facing the players. On the Gamemaster side, all manner of important references and summaries of key rules are at your fingertips.
The Adventure Book

Queen Leika
The first half of this 128-page book is a description of the Colymar tribal lands, led by Queen Leika Blackspear. It details the fortress city of Clearwine and its important denizens. Nearby is Apple Lane, a small village with huge problems ready to be solved by wandering adventurers.
The residents and surroundings of Apple Lane are described in detail, making it a perfect location for Gamemasters to base RuneQuest campaigns, establishing the adventurers in a renowned yet manageable hamlet with ample opportunity for great adventure.
Map of Apple Lane
The Adventures
The second half contains three adventurers. You can play them separately or link them together in your campaign.
The first adventure, Defending Apple Lane, pits the adventurers against a savage band of fearsome raiders.
Cattle Raid sends the adventurers to protect a sacred herd of cattle, a seemingly simple task that grows complex when tribal politics come into play.
The Dragon of the Thunder Hills involves dragon magic, old ghosts, and the potential for adventurers to begin all-new cults.
Map, Calendar, and Reference

Fire Season
Additional materials include a 20-page reference booklet full of charts and references for ease of play, a 16-page Gloranthan calendar, seven ready-to-play pregenerated adventurer characters, regular and deluxe adventurer sheets, squad and a non-player character sheets, as well as fold-out maps of Apple Lane, Clearwine, Dragon Pass, and the world of Glorantha itself!
Runic Inspiration
What The Critics Say
"Congratulations: you have reached the pinnacle of what a gamemaster pack should include, screen included… If you play Call of Cthulhu and you are already using the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack, you know what kind of screen supplements Chaosium is capable of producing. Now take that concept to eleven."
— Antonio S., RPGNet.
"If I have a chief complaint with the new RuneQuest GameMaster Screen Pack, it's that it is a very badly named product. Yes, there is a gorgeous gamemaster screen in there, 20 pages of handy reference sheets, sumptuous character sheets, tons of maps, and even a calendar... but what the team have really given us here is a living, breathing culture. The component they humbly refer to as a "booklet" is in fact a 128-page book detailing the lands and peoples of the Colymar tribe. It easily could have been sold separately from the "Screen Pack," but Chaosium has never been big on half measures."
— Andrew Logan Montgomery, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming.
"…sets a benchmark by which every other Game Master Screen and support pack will be measured"
— Reviews from R’lyeh, RQ Keeper Screen Pack Review.
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PDF Product Name: [RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - PDF]
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Physical Product Name: [RuneQuest - Gamemaster Screen Pack]
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Product Footer
Footer Name:
- Version:
- 4th Edition Chaosium RuneQuest
- 978-1-56882-504-5
- Year Released:
- 2018
- Page Count:
- 128 page adventure book, 20 page reference book, 16 page calendar, 4 panel screen
- Format:
- Full-color PDF
- Authors:
- Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard, Jason Durall
- Cover and Screen:
- Andrey Fetisov
- Artist(s):
- Kalin Kadiev, Michelle Lockamy, Eli Maffei, Simon Roy
- Cartography:
- Olivier Sanfilippo, Tobias Tranell, Josephe Vandel, Darya Makarava
- Deluxe Adventurer Sheet:
- Francesca Baerald
- Design & Layout:
- Simeón Cogswell, Michal Cross, Rick Meints
Runequest GM Screen Pack - PDF
Yes! I had the physical book, and then players started asking for a Calendar I bough this and it just adds some wonderful Journal entries for our campaign run via Foundry VTT.
do not buy
the maps are too big to print. not worth the money.
Great resource pack, screen and scenarios
Really compliments the main new Runequest books and all the materials are beautifully presented.
Start your campaign in style!
The Adventure Book (and related maps of Apple Lane, Clearwine Fort, Colymar Tribal lands and Dragon Pass, all of exceptional quality) are just what you need to start a RuneQuest campaign, with full stats for tribal leaders and warriors, a grab-bag of wilderness encounters in and around Colymar Lands, and three fully fleshed-out scenarios. (The beautiful map of South Peloria was an unexpected bonus). This is just like a mini version of Griffin Mountain, only set in Sartar: right down to the Rumours table. The GM reference sheets (18 pages) include what looks like all the key tables from "RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha," and somehow the most important ones have been shoehorned onto the back of the GM Screen as well. Finally, the character sheets (inc. basic, lavishly-illustrated "Artisan," and new NPC & Squad versions) and the Gloranthan Calendar are beautifully done, with thoughtful touches like a one-page printable calendar to use if your own campaign keeps track of time. This pack was made by people who know just what a starting Game Master needs, and it will work a treat. Highly recommended, and incredible value.