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Call of Cthulhu Classic 2" Deluxe Boxed Set - PDF

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Classic horror roleplaying in the world of Chaosium’s Cthulhu Mythos

Large Boxed Set

What's Inside

A recreation of the classic Call of Cthulhu boxed set from 1981, brought to horrific life 40 years later! Created thanks to the wildly successful Call of Cthulhu Classic Kickstarter, this product is very limited!

And remember—with a little tweaking, everything in this collection can be used with the 7th Edition rules of the game! Check out Keeper Becca Scott running “The Auction” using the game’s latest rules here.

The Core Rules

Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition Rulebook

The Call of Cthulhu Classic Rulebook is expressly written for people without great experience in role-playing. This core book explains all of the Investigator characteristics, including Sanity, the consequences, and Sanity loss required when meeting fearsome creatures—the alien intelligences of the Cthulhu Mythos. Also included are the rules for the magic system and spells for the Mythos, as well as scenarios, and appendices with useful additional materials. This special 40th anniversary edition also includes the 8-page scenario “Wail of the Witch”, by Keith Herber.

The 1920s Sourcebook

1920s Sourcebook

A full primer on Call of Cthulhu’s signature campaign setting. The book is overflowing with material that a Keeper needs for roleplaying in the 1920s. It contains information on the cost of goods, distances and travel times, historical background, and an expanded weapons list. Also included are additional monsters, archaeological dig site plans, and more!

The World Map

For when you want to take your investigation global! This red-ink map showcases major cities, continents, mountains, rivers, real-world archaeological sites, and suspected locations of Mythos entities.

Red World Map

Investigator Sheets & Character Silhouettes

Mi-Go Silhouettes

A collection of card character silhouettes that can be cut out and used to show the position of the Investigators, monsters, and minions! Also included are a collection of blank character sheets to create new and unique Investigators for your campaigns. This includes a special additional sheet of silhouettes featuring monsters such as Dimensional Shamblers, Elder Things, Flying Polyps, and even Shoggoths.

Comparison Map

Classic Keeper Screen

The first Keeper Screen for Call of Cthulhu debuted in 1983 and we have remastered it for this release! It contains all quick-reference information, as well as a place for the Keeper to conceal their secrets. It also sports the updated Call of Cthulhu 40th Anniversary logo!

Keeper Screen

40th Anniversary Dice

The 40th is a “Ruby” anniversary, so we’ve included a set of blood-ruby colored dice to mark this momentous occasion! This set includes a total of 3D6, to make rolling up your investigator characteristics as easy as possible!

Ruby Red Dice

Arkham Poster Map

This color poster map of Arkham is a great way to track the location of your investigators, and not to mention a fantastic opportunity to put your character silhouettes to use!

Arkham Poster Map

Exclusive To The Deluxe 2” Boxed Set

The following five supplement books are only available in the Deluxe 2” Boxed set! With a little tweaking, all of the scenarios in these additional books can be played using the 7th Edition rules of the game.

Shadows of Yog Sothoth Cover

Shadows of Yog Sothoth is an epic, globe-spanning campaign. The first of its kind in the TTRPG world!

The Asylum Cover

The Asylum & Other Tales contains seven sinister scenarios set around the world and on the high seas.

Cthulhu Companion Cover

Cthulhu Companion contains four scenarios as well as additional rules and source material to expand your games.

Trail of the Tsathogghua Cover

Trail of the Tsathogghua is a mini campaign comprising three scenarios that span across the world.

Fragments of Fear Cover

Fragments of Fear has information on additional gods, backgrounds, and other new rules. It also contains an additional scenario.

Downloads for this Product

Character Sheet
Wail Handouts
Shadows of Yog Sothoth Handouts
Asylum Handouts
Trail of Tsathogghua Handouts
Fragments of Fear Handouts

Watch Live Play: The Auction

Curious about the scenarios? Watch the Live Play on the Stream of Chaos

What The Critics Say

  • "This isn't some collectors' item which should sit on a shelf. The entire contents of the box are absolutely playable to this day... there are years of CofC adventuring to be had with the rulebook and five supplements. My highest recommendation not only for fans of the system but for newcomers interested in giving the original game of Mythos horror a try. 10/10"

    — thegaminggang, Classic Call of Cthulhu Deluxe 2″ Box Set | Review and Page-Through.

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Year Released:
1981, 2022
2nd Edition Call of Cthulhu
Black & White Boxed Set - PDF
Sandy Petersen, William James Hamblin III, Steve Perrin, Greg Stafford, Anders Swenson, Lynne Willis, Charlie Krank
Cover Artist:
Gene Day
Interior Artist:
Gene Day
Scanning and OCR:
Rick Meints
Nick Nacario
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Very Short Review of the CoC Deluxe Boxed Set

    Posted by Unknown on 7th Sep 2022

    Good reproduction of the 40 years old boxed set and the most important books from the same era. Looks much more authentical than other reproductions by other publishers I've seen in last couple of years. But sadly a form fillable version of the character sheet is missing in the PDF version.