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Book of Uther - PDF

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It’s good to be the King…

Uther Pendragon is the king of warlords, the fiercest man in the land, bearer of the Sword of Victory and guardian of the honor of Britain. Uther has everything a man could want, except…

The Book of Uther explores the tumultuous life and times of King Uther Pendragon. This is the book for anyone craving more detail on the workings of the Royal Court. Hobnob with great barons, famous heroes, pious bishops, and reverent abbots. Gossip with the court knights who guard the king and their privileges with equal fervor. Travel with the king on his Progress, learn the extensive powers of his sheriffs, and witness the vastness of Uther’s demense. An all-new courtly scenario generator and rules for keeping the Rumor Mill grinding provide powerful tools to ensure that Player-knights have opportunities to directly interact with the royal court, ensuring their personal investment in this lofty setting. 

Furthermore, the Book of Uther presents a never-before-seen, five-year expansion to the award-winning The Great Pendragon Campaign that gives the option for starting a campaign in Year 480, the fateful year that Uther inherits the crown and forges the kingdom that will one day be the birthright of his son, King Arthur.

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Footer Name:[ChaosBrandPendragon]

Nocturnal Media
5th Edition Pendragon
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
Greg Stafford, Scott R. Hall, Veli-Matti Pelkonen, Malcolm Wolter
Cover Artist:
Michael Phillippi
Interior Artist(s):
Malcolm Wolter, John Bridges
Jeff Holt