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Listen to Mark Meer read the prologue of Arthur the Soldier, our new Pendragon Fiction title

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 21st Dec 2024

Mark Meer reads the prologue of Arthur the Soldier

Listen to renowned voice artist Mark Meer as he reads the prologue of Arthur the Soldier, Chaosium's new Pendragon fiction. 

A literary novel of Arthurian legend, Arthur the Soldier peers through the myths of King Arthur, and shows what might have been the Dark Age reality—a blooded soldier, returned from distant wars, striving to bring unity and order to the land he loves.

With great fidelity to the sources, Arthurian scholar Chris Gidlow gives life to the legends of Arthur, vividly transporting the reader to post-Roman Britain, a tumultuous time riven with conflict and strife.

Arthur the Soldier by Chris Gidlow☆☆☆☆☆
"A worthy new entry to Arthurian Lore.”
— Jeffrey Bampos, NetGalley

Arthur the Soldier is available now in print, pdf/e-book, and Kindle formats:

Arthur the Soldier is Part One of Chris Gidlow's Ruin of Britain trilogy. It is also the first release of Chaosium’s new Pendragon Fiction line.