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The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories - PDF

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Into the Wild

The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories contains ready-to-play adventures for RuneQuest, taking adventurers across the untamed South Wilds, a region filled with reclusive villagers, ancient ruins, beast folk, troll spirits, undead, wolf-brothers, dinosaurs, monstrous mercenary companies, living trees, surly river spirits, and worse!

Chaosium Unveiled: Inside The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories

Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.

Feather Horse Queen

Inside, you’ll find:

  • The South Wilds, a description of this dangerous, mysterious region
  • The Wild Temple, the secrets of this sacred Beast Man shrine and its inhabitants
  • The Smoking Ruin, a full-length adventure taking adventurers into haunted streets of the Smoking Ruin in search of a lost artifact
  • The Lost Valley, a secluded refuge hotly contested over by its neighbors
  • Urvantan’s Tower, a full-length adventure in which the fate of the Lost Valley is decided
  • The Grove of Green Rock, a serialized adventure taking place over a span of years

The Smoking Ruin map

This product requires RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha to play.

What The Critics Say

  • "There is a line on the dust jacket of the Guide to Glorantha that reads; ‘Glorantha is the technicolor cure for bland, pseudo-medieval generic fantasy.’  Normally when you read something like this, you can be forgiven for thinking it is self-aggrandizing, pretentious crap.  Not in this case.  If you have any doubts, all you need do is look at exhibit A, The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories.  Seriously.  You can open to any random page and find proof that--yes Toto--you aren't in Thedas, or Middle-earth, or Faerûn any more."

    — Andrew Logan Montgomery, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming.

  • "Buy, prepare, and play immediately; do not let it linger on your bookshelf... Both setting and system deliver on everything they promised. The backstories go deep into the core of the adventures, the challenges are unique, the flavour is one-of-a-kind, the colours are vibrant, and the smells are breathtaking."

    — Antonios S., RPGNet Review.

  • "The wait has definitely been worth it. The three scenarios it contains are all begging to be played..."

    — Reviews from R'lyeh, Review - Smoking Ruin and Other Stories.

  • "The Smoking Ruin is fantastic and a prime example of why RuneQuest is such a special roleplaying game - 8.5/10."

    — The Gaming Gang, RuneQuest: The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories Reviewed.

  • “To say there’s a lot of dancing in this adventure is an understatement.”

    — Chaosiana, THE SMOKING RUIN & OTHER STORIES Review.


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PDF Product Name: [The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories - PDF]
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Physical Product Name: [The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories - Hardcover]
Physical Product Link: [/the-smoking-ruin-other-stories-hardcover/]

Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuest]

Rule Set:
4th Edition Chaosium RuneQuest
Year Released:
Full Color PDF
Page Count:
Christopher Klug, Steve Perrin, Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford, Jason Durall
Cover Artist:
Andrey Fetisov
Interior Artists:
Dimitrina Angelska, Antonia Doncheva, Jon Hodgson, Jennifer Lange, Pat Loboyko, Eli Maffei, Magdalena Mieszczak, Sara Otterstätter, Scott Purdy, Corey Trego-Erdner, Chris Waller
Olivier Sanfilippo, Tobias Tranell
Simeon Cogswell, Rick Meints, Malcolm Wolter
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Really engaging scenarios

    Posted by Tim Clark on 31st Aug 2020

    The Smoking Ruin and Other Stories brings a small part of Glorantha to life in a very big way. I continue to be very excited for future products. Runequest just keeps getting better and better.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5

    Posted by Dominic Twist on 18th Aug 2020

    First up this book is gorgeous. The art is great and is subject accurate...a real difference to many game books where decent to very good file art is used that bares little resemblance to the text. This has obviously been commissioned either for this book or for Glorantha in general. Now onto the content. This book is amazingly useful for a couple of reasons. First off it ties into the GM pack adventure book that comes with the GM shield and together they give a mini campaign that will have new and old Players and Gm's busy for many sessions. Second it covers a chunk of the Grazelands. This is turf that's really not been covered much before and is really useful. I had a couple of Grazer PCs and this was brilliant for them. I'm a busy person so I have not had time to write all my own material. This book, the Gm shield pack and the Pegasus Plateau book give weeks, months even. The Long Valley sandbox alone could be the subject of an entire campaign! I own both the PDF and hard copy of this product thanks to Chaosiums great deals on both. I find both useful as although the hard back is great to GM from...the PDF goes on tablet and is searchable. That's really handy especially when using the sandbox elements