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The Grand Design 3 - The Changeling Queen - PDF

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The War of the Cross nearly destroyed Théah. In the end, nearly eight million died. Two generations were wiped out. But what many do not know is the secret reason behind the War. It was Novus Ordo Mundi’s first attempt to control all of Théah. And it failed. Just barely.

The Changeling Queen is the third part in a series of adventures revealing this secret truth to your Heroes. However, you can also use it as a stand-alone adventure. The Heroes uncover a plague of plots to overthrow the Queen of Avalon and must stop them before the Glamour Isles are thrown into chaos and civil war. It includes:

  • Three different plots to dethrone Queen Elaine
  • Player Handouts
  • GM Advice

Part Three of the The Grand Design - Get all the parts!

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John Wick Presents
Rule Set:
2nd Edition 7th Sea
Full Color PDF
Page Count:
John Wick