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Nations of Theah: Book One - The Pirate Nations - PDF

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“When do we go home? We are home.”
— Bloody Bonnie McGee, bosun of the Black Dawn

No men are as free as the sons of the sea. The pirates of Théah are not bound by nationality or religion, only a desire for adventure… and profit. Théah’s kings and queens may rule the land, but freedom rules the waves.

The Pirate Nations includes:

  • Maps and descriptions of three pirate locales
  • Statistics and descriptions for all of Théah’s pirate factions
  • A complete sailor sourcebook
  • New rules for Hero creation, fighting schools, boarding actions, Advanced Sailing and more!

Pirate Ship

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrand7thSeaFirstEdition]

Rule Set:
1st Edition 7th Sea
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
John Wick, Kevin Wilson, Cris Dornaus, D.J. Trindle, Jennifer Wick, Ray Yand
Cover Artist:
Terese Neilson
Interior Artists:
Ramon Perez, Derek K. Stevens, Derik Gross, Theodor Black, Ray Luzinak, Cris Dornaus, Kevin Sanborn