Collected Wisdom on Running Games!
A gathering of wisdom, advice, and tips from Keepers for Keepers of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
Chaosium Unveiled: Inside Keeper Tips
Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.
What's Inside?
This pocket-sized guide to running games of Call of Cthulhu has an old-school black & white interior in a premium leatherette hardcover.
Advice from the Veterans

Tips, essays, and contributions from experienced and diverse Call of Cthulhu Keepers including Jason Durall (RuneQuest), Becca Scott (Good Time Society), Sean Branney (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society), Allan Carrey (Type40), Lynne Hardy (The Children of Fear) Bridgett Jeffries (The Miskatonic Repository), Mike Mason (Call of Cthulhu), and many, many others!
All Topics Covered

The advice in Keeper Tips is spread across a wide range of topics, including preparation, gameplay, inclusivity, designing scenarios, combat, monsters, horror, sanity, and much more!
Transferable Skills

While the advice in Keeper Tips is specifically geared towards Call of Cthulhu, much of the information is transferable to other games as well. The knowledge in this book is easily ported over to games such as RuneQuest and King Arthur Pendragon!
What The Critics Say
"Warm encouragement to tell horrible stories in a kindly way. I bloody love it."
— Mark Morrison (Horror on the Orient Express, Terror Australis, Reign of Terror, etc).
"Regardless of your Keeper/GM style, or whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran in the role, there’s some very useful pearls of wisdom in here – and it’s well worth adding to your RPG bookshelf (or that of any Keeper/GM friends you might have) as a result."
— Game On Aus, Keeper Tips reviewed.
"Excellent advice for new hobbyists and veterans… though the advice centers around Call of Cthulhu RPG, many passages within can easily apply to any roleplaying game."
— Rolling Boxcars, Keeper Tips.
“(A) lovely slim book of advice from Chaosium luminaries.”
— Tabletop Gaming #75 (Jan 2023)., Tabletop Gaming Issue 82.
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Lulu Product Name: [Nameless Horrors - POD]
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Physical Product Name: [Keeper Tips]
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Product Footer
Footer Name:
- Publisher:
- Chaosium
- Year Released:
- 2021
- Ruleset:
- Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
- Page Count:
- 113
- Format:
- Small-format Black & White Leatherette
- 978-1-56882-446-8
- Author(s):
- Scott David Aniolowski, Sean Branney, Allen Carey, Keris McDonald, Jason Durall, Paul Fricker, Bob Geis, Lynne Hardy, Bridgett Jeffries, Jo Kriel, David Larkins, Mike Mason, Mark Morrison, Thom Raley, Mathew Sanderson, Becca Scott, Seth Skorkowsky
- Artwork:
- Simon Bray, Andrey Fetisov
- Design and Layout:
- Nicholas Nacario
Middle of the road
I wasn't expecting much when I got this, and my low expectations were met fully. The bottom line: it's a "pointers" guide that strains to be helpful.;. True, there a few worthwhile things here, but the main beneficiaries are going to be the utter novice GM. There's also a bit of patronizing parent-child discussion as well, so you might want to factor that in as well. I collect, so I was going to buy it no matter what, but if you neither a collector nor a complete tyro looking for flight line or bravo alpha 1100 Novembers you might want to take a solid look before purchasing.
A delight for Keepers and GMs of all kinds
Absolutely love it. The attractive Keeper Tips book has been a delight to read. There are some wonderful ideas in that book, and despite playing since 1991, I've gained many wonderful ideas. There's always more to learn! Thanks for all you do, Chaosium.
Great little book
Great quality little book, full of useful tips for new keepers and seasoned keepers alike.
Nice companion book
I'm not sure why anyone would slam this little book. Physically, it's a high-quality piece in a portable handbook format, like a Strunk & White for the horrors. It's a nice peek "between the lines" of the enormous ruleset -- not everyone needs all of it, but most will benefit from some of it. Most of all, the rules are in service of the game and experience, not vice-versa--points in this spirit help elevate the point of the game in ways that may be getting lost in in its more traditional and encumbering tomes. I've been playing CoC for over 30 years and some of this wisdom wasn't immediately evident to me, so I expect others will appreciate the shorter path to sound keeperdom on offer here. Good for the game, good for keepers, good for players, good for the craft. Thank you!
Keeper Tips
Keeper Tips is useful to anyone that thinks about the art of Cthulhu Keepering, or GMing. It presents statements and angles on the subject in an easy to read, straight forward format. The quotations range from the obvious to profound, provocative and sometimes contradictory. Recommended to anyone who wants to improve their games.
Great bedtime read for the seasoned or new Keeper
Loved casually reading thoughts, techniques, experience, and applications of different Keeper and Player styles. As a seasoned (35+ years) gamemaster, I found this book to be exactly what it states it is, I good place to find other perspectives and "wisdom" own the art, yes ART or running an enjoyable game.