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Watch as the Stream of Chaos go Alone Against the Static!

Watch as the Stream of Chaos go Alone Against the Static!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 17th May 2024

Alone Against the Static is our latest solo Call of Cthulhu scenario. It's designed to be played by yourself, no Keeper required. That said, it – and all of our other critically acclaimed solo adventures – can easily be played in the traditional way: with a Keeper, and one (or more players … read more
Basic Roleplaying: Stat Block Design & You

Basic Roleplaying: Stat Block Design & You

Posted by Brian Holland on 17th May 2024

There are just a few short weeks remaining to submit your game to the BRP Design Challenge! Hopefully you’re on the tail-end of your work, fine-tuning and triple-checking all your spelling and stat blocks!To help with that, we have Basic Roleplaying creative director Jason Durall with some … read more
Chaosium Unveiled – Call of Cthulhu: Arkham

Chaosium Unveiled – Call of Cthulhu: Arkham

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 15th May 2024

Unveil the secrets of the legend-haunted city! - Chaosium Unveiled takes a look at the signature setting for Call of Cthulhu:Available now!"This is the gold standard for what an RPG supplement should be... simply put, a triumph." — TechRaptor. Full colour hardcover (price includes PDF) –  … read more
Chaosium Con Australia Update: Our local Guests of Honour!

Chaosium Con Australia Update: Our local Guests of Honour!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 14th May 2024

Chaosium Con Australia is fast approaching! Get your badge now for a weekend that promises to be mythic, epic, heroic and horrific. Join us on June 8-9 at the Moonee Valley Racing Club in Melbourne – we have over 100 events scheduled.In addition to our International Guests of Honour, Mike … read more
Run Call of Cthulhu for Chaosium at Gen Con!

Run Call of Cthulhu for Chaosium at Gen Con!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 12th May 2024

Call of Cthulhu is making a big splash at GenCon this year, and we're doing a special round of GM recruitment for our exclusive event space!If you love running Call of Cthulhu, apply today: … read more