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Apple Lane - Softcover - POD

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The Gloranthan Classic Apple Lane Returns - fully remastered!

Whiteye the Bandit Strikes Again!

Apple Lane, Sartar - In a particularly vicious pre-dawn attack, the notorious bandit Whiteye and his trollkin gang raided several farms in the Apple Lane region - without warning or apparent cause.

Whiteye has long been a nuisance to merchants, farmers, and travelers-at-large. Despite previous attempts at his capture, the wily bandit always has eluded Sherriff Dronlan's men, retreating to his secret hideout located among the numerous hills in the region.

The sheriff, vowing "This time, that loathsome troll has gone too far," is assembling a posse, and offers a sizeable reward for Whiteye's capture, dead or alive!

Apple Lane contains two adventures, Gringle's Pawnshop and The Rainbow Mounds, written for new RuneQuest gamemasters, though sophisticated enough to enthrall even the most experienced gamer.

Note: This is the RuneQuest 2 version of Apple Lane.

Welcome to Apple Lane

What The Critics Say

  • " excellent introduction to roleplaying in Glorantha in 1978 and like any good classic, it remains still very playable today."

    — Reviews from R'lyeh, Apple Lane Retrospective.

  • "It would be easy to list TSR's Tomb of Horror (1978) as the top scenario for 1978... (but) Instead, I suggest Apple Lane, for Chaosium's RuneQuest game (1978). A year before TSR published Village of Hommlet (1979), Greg Stafford revealed a village from his own campaign, filled with NPCs to interact with: NPCs who even had names. Add in a unique adventure for the time, where the players have to defend a pawnshop from attack, and you have a milestone in the industry."

    — Designers & Dragons, Top Scenarios of 1978.

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuestClassic]

Year Released:
1978, 2016
Rule Set:
RuneQuest 2
Page Count:
Black & White Softcover
Greg Stafford
Cover Artist:
William Church