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Undead & Unbound eBook

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Unexpected Tales From Beyond the Grave

Undead & Unbound is a book of fiction celebrating those who have returned from the grave — in all their glory and in whatever form they take. You will find the famous blood-drinkers and flesh eaters here, but also ghosts, patched-together reanimates, fiends of myth and folklore, and some not-so-easily-identifiable creatures from beyond the grave.

Nineteen tales take the undead to their limits. From the distant past to the far-flung future, and to all corners of the Earth, the undead are eternal and everywhere: symbiotes, parasites, monster mash-ups and ghoulish grins, bleak tales of inescapable dread, an ancient evil from a far-away land with unspeakable dietary needs, a boy and his…well, it’s not a dog. History is brought to (un)life. Ghosts, specters, phantoms and haunts of every sort. Not-so-easily-classifiable stories that do new things with the basic premise of what’s alive, what’s dead, and what’s neither.

And yes, you lovers of all things zombie—fear-not, for your favorite flesh eaters are here but, thankfully, not exactly as you would expect them.

Undead & Unbound celebrates all things from beyond the grave, the different, and no matter how old the bones, new life can always be found.

THIS IS A DOWNLOADABLE BOOK IN E-PUB FORMAT. Selected and edited by Brian M. Sammons annd David Conyers. Cover art by Paul Mudie. 288 pages. Trade Paperback.

ISBN-10: 1568823681
ISBN-13: 9781568823683

The Tales Included:

  • Blind Item by Cody Goodfellow
  • Dead Baby Keychain Blues by Gary McMahon
  • A Personal Apocalypse by Mercedes M. Yardley
  • The Unexpected by Mark Allan Gunnells
  • Incarnate by David Dunwoody
  • Marionettes by Robert Neilson
  • Undead Night of the Undeadest Undead by C.J. Henderson
  • I Am Legion by Robert M. Price
  • When Dark Things Sleep by Damien Walters Grintalis
  • Descanse En Paz by William Meikle
  • Thunder in Old Kilpatrick by Gustavo Bondoni
  • Phallus Incarnate by Glynn Owen Barrass
  • Wreckers by Tom Lynch
  • Scavenger by Oscar Rios
  • In the House of Millions of Years by John Goodrich
  • Romero 2.0 by Brian M. Sammons and David Conyers
  • Mother Blood by Scott David Aniolowski
  • The Unforgiving Court by David Schembri
  • North of the Arctic Circle by Peter Rawlik

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