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Mansions of Madness PDF

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Six Classic Explorations of the Unknown, the Deserted, and the Insane

IN DIM, FORGOTTEN RECESSES of the world lurk mind-twisting horrors. Through the use of human agents these horrors work to thwart mankind’s destiny.

However, not all of these human agents are willing partners. Many times have the monsters resorted to subtlety and intrigue to further their ends, rather than gross displays of sheer destruction.

Andrew Keetling is one such unwilling agent. A sucessful Boston businessman, he has disappeared — held captive in a mansion of madness.

MANSIONS OF MADNESS is a collection of six independent tales for Call of Cthulhu. Set in the 1920s and of varying length and complexity, these adventures can be planted into an ongoing campaign as the keeper sees fit. Some can be played in a single night, others will require several evenings to complete. They can readily be used as plot twists, interesting diversions, or red herrings.

Mister Corbitt - In which the investigators get to know their neighbor and his family a little better than they would like.

The Plantation - In which the investigators search out the secrets of a swamp in the Deep South, and descend into the lair of a being of passive disposition, but exhibiting an insatiable hunger.

The Crack’ d and Crook’ d Manse - In which the investigators explore the usual sinister house, only to find a distinctly unusual resident.

The Sanatorium - A few days visit with an old friend on an offshore island seems like the ideal way to relax, but not all vacations turn out as one would wish.

Mansion of Madness - Wherein the investigators visit the house of a wealthy art collector, and find his collection of paintings to be odd but intriguing. Do they offer a hint of things to come?

The Old Damned House - The investigators are hired to recover the famous Hazard Pearls. Were they really stolen, or are there more sinister truths to be discovered?

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandClassicCthulhu]

6th Edition Call of Cthulhu
2nd Edition
Black and White PDF Scan
Page Count:
Michael DeWolfe, Wesley Martin, Mark Morrison, Keith Herber, Fred Behrendt, Penny Love, Liam Routt
Cover Artist:
Lee Gibbons
David Lee Ingersoll, Janet Aulisio, Sam Inabinet