RuneQuest : Aventures dans Glorantha launches on gameontabletop.com later this month!(Post)
RQG in French!Contribute to funding the French version for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha on June 15th, 8pm CEST, on www.gameontabletop.com.Our friends at Studio Deadcrows are proud to offer tho ...
Journey to Jonstown #1- RuneQuest-Glorantha community content on DriveThruRPG(Post)The Jonstown Compendium is Chaosium's community new content resource for RPG content set in Greg Stafford's mythic universe Glorantha. The site launched late last year, and is now brimming ...
Chaosium Interviews: How Mythology Underpins Glorantha, with Jeff Richard(Post)Chaosium's Glorantha guru Jeff Richard talks about how mythology is central to the structure and development of RuneQuest and Glorantha as a setting. Part of our 'Chaosium Interviews' ...
Journey to Jonstown #6 - more new releases for gaming in Glorantha(Post)Check out these new releases at the Jonstown Compendium!White Stone RuinPaul Baker ($10.00, 88 page PDF)Background and source material for the Namoldin Clan of the Malani tribe for Runequest: Ro ...
Six Ages + King of Dragon Pass are 36% off in Steam's Glorantha Bundle(Post)Experience the rich storytelling of the world of Glorantha, in King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind! Lead your clan into myth or obscurity in these storybook strategy games of old god ...
Out of the Suitcase #30: A few jokes at Glorantha’s expense(Post)Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.The back side of the Jan/Feb 1981 Chaosium order form included a few Gloranthan themed jokes. I do ...
13th Age in Glorantha Progress Update: Final Manuscript Changes(Post)By Rob HeinsooThe pre-layout PDF of 13th Age in Glorantha is now available to Kickstarter backers. Soon it will be live on BackerKit.Just as we've recently updated the backers about th ...
Chaosium Interviews: Art Direction in Glorantha with Jaye Kovach(Post)Chaosium's art director Jaye Kovach talks with James Coquillat about the process of creating art for Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha, setting our RuneQuest RPG. Part of our Cha ...
Out of the Suitcase #5: The Meints Index to Glorantha, aka the MiG(Post)Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium In 1999 the Reaching Moon Megacorp published the second edition of my book The Meints In ...
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha to be released in hardback next Friday, September 21st(Post)The Open Seas ritual was a success!Hardback copies of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha are now in all three of our warehouses (USA, UK, Australia) and being entered into inventory.We will release ...
Chaosium Interviews: Growing Up in Glorantha, with Julia Rawcliffe(Post)Being born to gamer parents, Julia Rawcliffe, our 'merc of merch', talks about her experiences growing up with the world of Glorantha and attending her first RuneQuest Convention in 19 ...
RuneQuest Glorantha - Hardcover(Page)