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Chaosium Inc. is pleased to allow fans and others to use our trademarks and logos on their web sites as long as the following principles are met.

  • The usage is in connection with the game or its supplements.
  • The usage does not contain anything which is slanderous, libelous, pornographic, or otherwise defaming to the reputation of the trade mark.
  • The marks are properly labeled as trademarks (TM) or registered trademarks (R) of Chaosium Inc.
  • Your page is properly linked back to either Chaosiums own page, or to the page of the appropriate game. We will happily list the best of the fan pages in our Nifty Links section but you must send notification to us so we will know where to look.
  • You are not generating revenue from those pages where you use our trademarks.
  • The text of the credit given must read:
    (Name of Game or Supplement) is the (Trademark or Registered Trademark) of Chaosium Inc., and is used with their permission. Chaosium Inc. is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc.

Trademark or Registered Trademark? Pages to Link to All Supplements for all games are trademarks of Chaosium Inc. — Chaosium Page

Call of Cthulhu is registered trademark of Chaosium Inc. — Cthulhu Page